Second Annual CISO Research Report on Challenges and Buying Trends: A Focus on Optimization

Get the latest data on CISO decision-making when it comes to what and how they’re buying cybersecurity products and services.  
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Understanding the challenges faced by chief information security officers (CISOs) and IT decision-makers (ITDMs) is critical for businesses looking to strengthen their cybersecurity posture, stay competitive and ensure regulatory compliance.  

Duo Max Diff Chart 2023

CISOs/ITDMs continue to be most occupied with business, IT and security program strategy

Security program must-haves include:

  1. Monitoring, detecting and responding to threats 24/7
  2. Overall security program improvements
  3. Technology optimization and integrations to ensure the best use of existing technology 
CISO study 2023

CISOs generally feel confident about their cybersecurity programs and strategy, but challenges persist. Top challenges include:

  1. Adapting to the ever-evolving cybersecurity environment 
  2. Attracting and retaining highly skilled cybersecurity talent 
  3. Educating end-users to avoid attacks 
CISO priorities research charts 2023

Despite recent economic trends, 58% percent of CISOs and ITDMs said their budgets had increased, and of those, 42% said they have plans to increase their budgets even more.

Improve Your Security Posture with Nuspire 

Whether you’re looking to optimize technology, make overall improvements to your security program or get help responding to today’s evolving cyber threats, Nuspire can help.  

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