
CEO Corner: Introducing the Digital Defender Digest Newsletter

When I came to Nuspire four years ago, I had a vision of a managed security services business that would revolutionize the cybersecurity experience for our clients. Why? Well, I used to be a client of managed services; the good, the bad and the ugly. Over the course of a decade, I planned, built and operated large security programs for two Fortune 500 organizations and invested heavily in managed services providers to help me protect the business. I saw what I liked and didn’t like. I experienced what worked and what didn’t work.  

So, it was all about changing the paradigm when I came to Nuspire. That meant really listening to our clients and doing it the right way. We may not be perfect, but I can promise you that when we fall short, we will always respond like we believe we should be perfect! We will always stay true to our mission of providing an experience centered on excellence in service delivery, great communication, thought leadership and innovation. 

With that said, I’d like to welcome you to the inaugural issue of the Digital Defender Digest. How’s that for a snappy name? The goal is to provide you with the information and intelligence at your fingertips to help you run your security programs effectively and produce successful outcomes. This monthly newsletter is our commitment to keeping you updated on the most pressing cybersecurity news, trends, and best practices. Each issue will feature expert insights from our team of seasoned cybersecurity professionals, covering topics such as emerging threats, regulatory updates, risk management strategies, and the latest security technologies.  

Navigating the complex world of cybersecurity can be daunting, and confusing, which is why we intend to provide you with actionable information and practical guidance to safeguard your digital assets and fortify your defenses. To be successful, you need to be intentional in everything you do. You don’t want to waste time, money or team resources on things that aren’t your highest priority. 

Think of your role in cybersecurity as a journey. Just as a traveler understands their starting point, plans their route, packs the necessary supplies, and takes precautions to ensure their safety, a cybersecurity professional must also be deliberate in their approach to protecting their digital assets. This means being proactive in performing an honest assessment of where your program is today, identifying and mitigating risks, staying up to date with the latest threats, and taking action to prevent, detect and respond to cyberattacks. Just as a traveler must be vigilant and prepared for the unexpected, a cybersecurity professional must also be ready to adapt to the ever-evolving threat landscape. By being purposeful in your approach to cybersecurity, you can better protect your digital assets and ensure the safety of the business’s journey through the digital world. 

I hope you enjoy these monthly publications. If you are intentional in reading them, I 100% believe you will find value in each edition. Enjoy! 


Lewie Dunsworth

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